Department of Japanese History, Faculty of Letters, Keio University
Lab of Modern Japanese History

Undergraduate Courses


Our lab provides five specialized courses: Survey of Japanese History 4, Source Readings in Japanese History, Advanced Studies in Japanese History, Seminar, and Intensive Seminar. We attempt to mainatain the quality of these courses with assistance from adjunct lecturers. Further information about each course in this academic year is shown below.

Detailed Information

  • Survey of Japanese History 4(日本史概説W)

Our department provides the courses Survey of Japanese History 1, 2, 3, and 4, and our lab supervises the final course, which is compulsory for sophomores. This is an introductory course for modern Japanese history from the mid-19th century, when Japan first opened its ports, to the late 20th century, and will provide students with an overview of Japan's modernization.

  • 2023 Academic Year
Lecturer Maeda, Kiyotaka
Title Quantitative History of Modern and Contemporary Japan
Semester Fall

  • Source Readings in Japanese History(日本史史料講読)

Source Readings in Japanese History is a compulsory course for sophomores. Four professors of ancient, medieval, pre-modern, and modern periods teach how to read historical materials from each period, and our lab is in charge of a quarter of this course. Historians of the modern period use not only descriptive documents but also quantitative data. Accordingly, we instruct students in the reading method of descriptive documents and statistical methods of data.

  • 2023 Academic Year
Lecturer Koyama, Yukinobu
Semester Spring

  • Advanced Studies in Japanese History(日本史特殊)

Advanced Studies in Japanese History are electives for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. These courses deal with advanced topics of modern Japanese history, and the lecturers apply their research outcomes in an individual course. Students will appreciate the leading-edge research on modern Japanese history.

  • 2023 Academic Year
Lecturer Maeda, Kiyotaka
Title  The Market, Industry, and Policy of Meiji Japan
Semester Spring
Lecturer Maeda, Kiyotaka
Title  The Market, Industry, and Policy of Taisho and Showa Japan
Semester Fall
Lecturer Shiratori, Junichiro (Adjunct Lecturer)
Title  Deplomatic History of Japan after the Second World War, I
Semester Spring
Lecturer Shiratori, Junichiro (Adjunct Lecturer)
Title  Deplomatic History of Japan after the Second World War, II
Semester Fall

  • Seminar(日本史演習)

Seminars are electives for juniors and seniors. Lecturers teach how to read historical materials in the modern period by presenting genuine documents from which students learn the historical analysis method to write their graduation thesis.

  • 2023 Academic Year
Lecturer Ioku, Shigehiko (Professor Emeritus)
Title  Source Readings in Modern History, I
Semester Spring
Lecturer Ioku, Shigehiko (Professor Emeritus)
Title  Source Readings in Modern History, II
Semester Fall
Lecturer Koyama, Yukinobu
Title  Readings in Historical Materials of Agricultural Village from the Late Early Modern to the Early Modern Periods
Semester Spring
Lecturer Koyama, Yukinobu
Title  Readings in Historical Materials from the Late Early Modern to the Early Modern Periods
Semester Fall

  • Intensive Seminar(日本史研究会(ゼミ))

Intensive Seminar, a compulsory course for juniors and seniors, is the core of our department's education, and its goal is to write a graduation thesis that has unique academic points. Lecturers provide opportunities to touch on papers, books, historical documents, and data to assist students in this intensive seminar. Furthermore, we set up study camps, observation tours of historical heritage, and academic exchanges with other universities several times a year. Specific content varies among intensive seminars.

  The characteristic activities improve our students' abilities in logical thinking, presentation, and writing, all of which are vital for survival in the knowledge society of the twenty-first century.

  • 2023 Academic Year
Lecturer Koyama, Yukinobu
Title  Research on Pre-modern and Modern Periods
Semesters Spring and Fall

Lecturer Maeda, Kiyotaka
Title Research on Japanese History of Modern and Contemporary Periods and Colonial History
Semesters  Spring and Fall
Prof. Maeda's seminar provides the opportunity for exchange with students at National Taipei University. The students from Keio University and National Taipei University discuss the history of the relationship between Japan and Taiwan. This international exchange has been financially supported by the Mirai Sendo Fund of Keio University since 2020.
 Presentation at National Taipei University

 Observation tour in Sanxia, New Taipei City, Taiwan

 Academic exchange with National Taipei University



Contact Information

Lab of Modern Japanese History
Department of Japanese History
Faculty of Letters
Keio University

2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Website (Japanese only)