Department of Japanese History, Faculty of Letters, Keio University
Lab of Modern Japanese History

Graduate Course


Keio University’s Graduate School of Letters offers the Japanese History Program. This program regards history as the accumulation of individual human acts, the study of which provides knowledge of a person and the society in which they live. We are always seeking more knowledge, taking into consideration the target area and time, or rather the results of adjacent science beyond traditional academic disciplines. In this program, our lab provides two types of graduate courses: a lecture and a seminar in paleography. We strive to train professionals who will fulfill in-demand positions after completing the program, including professors, museum curators, archivists, and historical teachers at junior and high schools. Further information about each course in this academic year is shown below.

Detailed Information

  • Lecture of Paleography(古文書学特殊講義)

In this course, the lecturer trains students to read handwritten historical materials. The majority of handwritten materials before the early twentieth century used a cursive style. Therefore, even students whose mother tongue is Japanese have to work hard to learn to read these materials.
 Historical document of the Ikeda family (Keio University Collection)

  • 2023 Academic Year
Program Master
Lecturer (Professor Emeritus)
Ioku, Shigehiko [Ph.D., History, Meiji University]
Title  Analyzing Historical Documents in Keio University's Collection
Semesters  Spring and Fall
  • Seminar(日本史特殊講義演習・日本史特殊講義・日本史特殊研究)

The lecturers of these courses are top historians in Japan, and they apply their research outcomes in an individual course. Students will appreciate the leading-edge research on modern Japanese history. Furthermore, they will be given opportunities to present their research, and the lecturers will provide constructive suggestions and opinions.
 Archival research at the Board of Education of Nakatsu City, Oita

  • 2023 Academic Year
Program Doctor and Master
Lecturer (Professor Emeritus)
Ioku, Shigehiko
[Ph.D., History, Meiji University]
Title Research on Japanese History in Pre-modern and Modern Periods
Semesters Spring and Fall
Program Master
Lecturer Koyama, Yukinobu [Ph.D., History, Chuo University]
Title Reading in Historical Documents written by a Village Headman
Semesters Spring and Fall
Program Master
Lecturer Maeda, Kiyotaka [Ph.D., Economics, Keio University]
Title A Guide to Cliometrics
Semesters Spring and Fall
Program Master
Lecturer (Adjunct Lecturer)
Yuzawa, Noriko
[Ph. D., Literature, Tsukuba University]
Title Economic History of Living
Semesters Spring and Fall



Contact Information

Lab of Modern Japanese History
Department of Japanese History
Faculty of Letters
Keio University

2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Website (Japanese only)